Lead Generation for Mortgage Brokers

Posted by Hannah Lapin on Jan 6, 2023 2:51:47 PM

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Brokers frequently ask us how to get more clients, and the answer is quite gray. There is no one way to generate mortgage leads, but rather a comprehensive marketing strategy is needed to build your sales funnel. As a mortgage lender, we have ample experience in generating mortgage leads. Our marketing department put together this overview of key lead generation tactics including:


Search Engine Optimization

Let's start at the beginning by defining Search Engine Optimization, or more commonly known as SEO. Moz defines SEO as the "practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results." The main search engines to target are Google and Bing. Also, practice is key here. SEO is very complex and can even be broken down further into local SEO and long-tail or short-tail keywords. We have additional SEO resources for more in-depth insight. In this overview post, we are going to discuss two essential elements for mortgage brokers getting started on SEO: a website and a Google My Business Account.


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Set Yourself Up for Success with a Mortgage Business Website

If you are looking to grow your mortgage broker business, one of the first things you should do is either get a website or revamp your existing one. When executed properly, a business website provides a way for potential customers to find you on the internet, establishes your authority as a mortgage professional, and serves as your 24/7 customer service representative.

We have an extensive guide to mortgage broker websites. In this introductory article, we will discuss the crucial elements of a website: online web forms and contact information. At a bare minimum, your mortgage broker website needs to provide a way for people to contact you. Think about it this way. You can't generate new leads, without web forms or contact information.

The more pages and high quality content you add to your website, the more it will drive traffic, and therefore potential leads.


Build Authority on Google with Google My Business

Google My Business is a free listing on Google that helps potential customers find you in searches, provides relevant business information such as hours and location, and keeps all your reviews in one place, just to name a few of the cool features. Creating a mortgage company profile will help you establish industry authority and increase your visibility in search results.

The first step in managing your listing is claiming your business and verifying to Google that you are, in fact, the rightful owner of that mortgage business. To get started, head to Google My Business, and click “Start Now.” You can either sign into an existing Google account or create a new one. Google will walk you through how to find your business, and then provide you with several options on verifying. These include verifying by phone call or text, by email, or by requesting a postcard. The best method will be based on the information Google already has on your business. For example, if they have an address but not a phone number or email address, you will need to verify via postcard.

Once you are verified, you can update your business hours, including holiday hours, update your location and contact information, and update photos of your team and office. You can also manage and respond to existing reviews from former clients (if you have any), post company updates, and gain access to unique insights on Google searches for your business. For instance, you can see how many people tried to call your business or look up directions from Google.

Setting up a profile will also open up doors to better use Google Maps, Google Analytics, and even paid Google ads.


Digital Marketing

In 2023, digital marketing is essential for mortgage lead generation. The Visio Marketing Department put together a complete Marketing Toolkit for mortgage brokers. It covers in great detail, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

In this post, we will highlight which tool to use when. All of these digital marketing efforts should be combined for optimal lead generation.


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Email Marketing

Use email marketing to:

  • Nurture qualified leads
  • Build relationships with existing clients
  • Re-engage past clients as referral partners and repeat business
  • Share updates about the mortgage industry or your mortgage services

    Check out our email marketing guide.



Social Media Marketing

Use social media platforms for:

  • Generating leads
  • Building authority
  • Connecting with mortgage professionals, including real estate agents and loan officers
  • Staying up-to-date with your existing customers

Growing your business through your personal network

Check out our social media marketing guide.



Content Marketing

Use content marketing to:

  • Share your real estate and mortgage knowledge in a digestible form
  • Provide examples of loan scenarios or educate on a specific loan program
  • Answer frequently asked questions

Check out our complete guide to content marketing.

Check out our complete guide to content marketing.


Types of Digital Marketing


Other Forms of Digital Marketing for Mortgage Brokers

These are just the main forms of digital marketing, but there are many others including podcasts, videos, Webinars, and eBooks. Another idea is adding yourself to free, relevant local directories. Some examples include CitySearch and Yelp. You may uncover potential leads this way.

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Buying Mortgage Leads

Buying mortgage leads is much simpler than other lead generation efforts, though the return is not always as high. We recommend that brokers buy mortgage leads as they ramp up their other marketing channels. There are essentially two ways to pay for leads. One is by paying for digital ads, such as Facebook or Google Ads. Another is to actually hire mortgage lead generation services. Let's take a brief look at each strategy.



Paid Digital Ads

A guaranteed way to generate leads is to pay for them either on social media, Google, or Bing. These platforms help you home in on your target market and work simply in that the more money you pay, the more leads you obtain. Through social media ads, you can strategically get placed into your target audience's newsfeeds. On Google or Bing, you pay to be at the very top of relevant search results. For instance, if someone searches "mortgage broker near me," you can pay to be at the very top of the local search results.

Some of the drawbacks, though, are they do require some specific expertise and there is no way to guarantee exclusive leads. We recommend calling any sales qualified leads immediately in order to obtain their business.

HubSpot Marketing Platform has fantastic resources if you are looking to use Google or social ads for mortgage lead generation.



Mortgage Lead Generation Websites and Services

Many companies specialize in mortgage marketing and specifically offer mortgage lead generation help. If you can find a solid company, it can be a fantastic option for mortgage brokers who do not want to do their own marketing. When looking at businesses that claim to offer mortgage lead generation, see if they specialize in real estate. Since it is a very nuanced field, it is best to get a specialist rather than someone who offers lead generation for all kinds of industries. Also be sure to ask them if they offer exclusive leads. Some lead companies will sell the same leads to multiple clients.

Once you engage a company, it is essential to report on your number of qualified mortgage leads. If the leads you are receiving do not fit your business, then you may want to readjust your strategy or work with a different service.

MediaBoom has a useful guide to interviewing and hiring lead generation companies.


Building a Referral Network

Strategic mortgage brokers will tap into their personal networks to build loyal and recurring referral partners. Utilize the entire real estate ecosystem for referrals including real estate agents, credit unions, property managers, local banks and more. Also ask past clients to send more business your way.

Another more hands-on way to build a network of referral partners, is to attend mortgage events and tradeshows.

Check out our guide to networking for brokers for more tips.


There are clearly ample lead generation methods. The most successful brokers have a comprehensive mortgage marketing strategy utilizing all the tools and tricks at their fingertips.



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Disclaimers: Please note that our blog contains affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, Visio Lending will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please understand that we have experience with all of the companies we recommend, and choose to refer our borrowers and partners because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we make. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.


The information in this blog has been prepared solely for informational purposes. The contents are based upon or derived form information generally believed to be reliable although Visio accepts no liability with regard to the user's reliance on it. For legal advice, please contact your counsel.