5 Things To Look For When Screening Tenants

    Failing to properly vet potential tenants can cost you both personally and financially down the road. Utilizing a...

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    Do You Need a Home Warranty for Your Rental Property?

    What is the most important part of owning a rental property – cash flow! If you are like many smaller real estate...

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    When DIY Landlords Should Hire a Property Management Company

    Are you a DIY landlord? Do you manage all your own repairs and keep up with maintenance on your own? This is often...

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    5 Tips on Selecting Homeowner's Insurance

    Mortgage lenders require homeowner's insurance, and you need to know what to consider and where to look. More...

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    Understanding the Nuances of Fix and Flip Loans

    Real estate investors use fix and flip loans, also known as bridge loans, rehab loans or residential transition loans,...

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    6 Key Reasons You Need Property Management Software

    Property management software allows landlords to work more efficiently, managing their properties better and frequently...

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    Improve Tenant Experience with Property Management Software

    As every landlord knows, the last thing you want to have are tenants leaving because they have some gripe about their...

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