Understanding LTV and Why It is Important to Lenders

    Loan to Value, or LTV, is the ratio of the loan amount divided by the value of a property:

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    Possible Expansion of Fed Lending Program Could Help Non-QM Lenders

    Over the past 30 days, we’ve seen dramatic divergence in the prospects of agency and non-agency mortgage lenders, which...

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    Why might mortgage rates go up when interest rates are going down?

    Mortgage rates can go up even when interest rates are going down if credit spreads increase more than interest rates...

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    Best Short Term Investments for 2020

    If you have managed to save some extra cash and want to grow it with time, investing is a must.

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    Who Should I Contact About My Visio Loan?

    We often get inquiries from borrowers about who they should contact in regards to their Visio loan, and the answer is...

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    An Overview of Visio’s Prepayment Penalty Options

    At Visio Lending, we pride ourselves on how our loan products can be tailored to meet the needs of our rental investor...

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    An Overview of Visio’s Residential Rental Loan Programs

    Visio Lending is the nation’s leader in rental loans because we offer the fastest, simplest, and most dependable...

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    A Look at How DSCR is Calculated

    At Visio Lending, our loan programs are designed to meet the needs of investors. That’s why when we determine a...

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