Stay Protected from the Equifax Breach

Posted by Hannah Lapin on Sep 25, 2017 10:25:29 AM

Stay Protected from the Equifax Breach

Recently Equifax, one of the three main credit bureaus, announced a breach affecting over 140 million Americans. The hackers accessed a wide range of personal information including Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, birth dates, etc.  We have compiled a list of steps you can take to stay protected:

  • See if you were impacted by visiting and clicking the “Am I Impacted?” Tab. Equifax will provide you with free credit monitoring and identify theft protection with TrustedID Premier.
  • Check your credit reports for any errors at Report errors to
  • Change your passwords for your bank accounts frequently and keep the information private.

For more information on the Equifax Breach, visit Business Insider.

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