What are your legal obligations to your tenants post Irma?

Posted by Hannah Lapin on Sep 22, 2017 10:24:22 AM

stack of packets of papers on a desk

Hurricane Irma left nearly 25% of homes in Florida Keys destroyed and more damaged and ruined across the state. The question then becomes for landlords: what is your legal responsibility to your tenants?

The obligation Florida landlords have to their tenants often varies based on individual lease terms, so it is extremely important to refer to the signed lease. However, Florida law typically requires landlords to maintain roofs, windows, doors, floors, steps, porches, exterior walls, foundations and all structural components in good condition. Additionally, landlords must comply with all applicable building, housing, and health codes.

When a landlord is unable to comply with their legal obligations due to causes beyond their control, such as a hurricane, the tenant has the ability to terminate the lease and must immediately vacate the property.

For more details, refer to Florida Realtors.


Topics: Tenant Legal Issues

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